some stories

Today I read a job posting that said, "Applicant must love telling stories." YES. I wish could have immediately applied; however, I am still finishing school and looking at moving overseas as immediately as possible, provided the Lord not only opens the door, but pays for it to be opened. I can't doubt that He will, because I saw Him provide so abundantly for East Asia, but the figure I'm looking at is literally over 10 times larger (really?!), and that is terrifying. Excuse the rabbit trail. But it's real life. And He's holding it all in His hands.

So, how about I take a different avenue now, and post some of my favorite photos from my trip on here, with a little story or two to go with each? Ok, here we go.

This was our last big time sharing with college students, and I think it was one of my favorites. I shared the story of the symbolism of the candy cane, which I dreaded as I approached the trip, but my mom made sure I found the story and bought the candy canes. I shared it each time we shared, and each time the Lord had me sharing his whole story through it. This particular night, he allowed me to see certain faces in the crowd lighting up with understanding and amazement. His story, His word, will not return void. The seeds we planted will grow. Of this I am certain and oh so thankful of.

Oh these precious girls. On this day in class, as we sang a song, I just couldn't hold the harmony in any longer (it is my favorite!), and these girls in particular noticed. As they gathered around me and we started talking, they asked if I would sing a song to them. I chose the song "Wanted" by Dara Mclean (see my video on FB or instagram), and was delighted to share the meaning behind the song--God has loved and has wanted a relationship with these girls since the beginning of time. It was a sweet moment of laying the gospel boldly before these girls. Once again I must say it--His story, His word will not return void! Those whom He loves will be found by Him. He goes after His lost sheep.

We sang a lot on this trip, which was a beautiful thing and an incredible way that the Lord opened the door for us to share. In this picture, we are singing "Jesus Paid it All" at the [cold] seaside. In the middle of the picture is a prayer bell, made and rung to awaken the gods to hear the prayers for good fortune. But our God was present, with no need to be awakened, and He shared his story through the words of this precious old hymn. It was an amazing moment for me personally, as God humbled me to my knees and to tears as He spoke to these girls about what He has done for them. He paid it all.

This girl has my heart. I call her Taylor Swift, because her English name is Taylor and she loves Taylor Swift. The impact of this picture is more than my time overseas--through technology, I am still able to text and video call with her every day, and have been able to share with her how much God loves her at least once a week. She believes, and thinks it is so good, but perhaps is still unsure about what having a relationship with Jesus means. Please pray with me that she will continue seeking and come to that relationship with Him very soon. 

These two girls. Christmas day. Got to share with them so much. They recognized God's love for them so beautifully, but again don't understand what the next step is. One day, they will.

A longer story, worth its entirety:

At the end of a trip, especially a longer trip, when you begin doing tourist-y things and expect to chill with your team and prepare to get back to America, you aren't really in a mood of expectation, for God to work something in and through you. It's extremely easy to switch off in a way, and stop watching and waiting for God to show up. But then He does. 

We were 3 days from leaving, in Beijing, fresh off of a day full of travel from our city. We unloaded our bags and went straight to dinner at the massive mall down the street from our hotel. As I waited for my food, I was overcome by my love for this place and people, and so I began smiling incessantly at everyone who walked by me, and saying "hello" in their language. Well, one young girl smiled back at me, and said hello, so we struck up a conversation. She asked me questions, particularly why I was there. I told her I was spending my Christmas holiday becoming friends with students here in China. She was so amazed and said that I must be a very kind girl to do that. I smiled, and she walked away.

Thirty seconds later, she came back, phone in hand, determined that we should be friends. We exchanged information, I told her I was soon to leave, but that we could stay in touch via this app on our phones. She was delighted, and we texted a little bit that evening. The next day was full of touring and shopping, but as we drove back to the hotel late that night, I realized that I didn't want to spend my last day in China touring random things and spending money. So I decided I would text Candy, my brand new Chinese friend, and ask if she wanted to grab lunch together the next day. Turns out she was free! So we had lunch, took my first subway ride, and hung out the entire afternoon. It was amazing just to live life with her and love her, even having just met her, as Jesus loves her. 

Sometimes when you are least expecting God to move, He shows up and does the most unexpected things. Although that could describe this whole trip for me, this story particularly displays His intricate and inexplicable attention to orchestrating every detail in our lives.


That's just a glimpse of the larger story our Father is writing overseas. 
How is He calling us to join Him here?
so abundan


  1. Excited to see a few photos of your trip. My first international mission trip was to Asia - Hong Kong, China and Japan. I have two nieces from China. It has a special place in my heart. Would love to hear your plans for after graduation. If we can help you in any way, don't hesitate to ask. Praying for you and excited for you as you journey with our Father!

    1. Hey Sabrina! Love hearing from you as well. I'll graduate in December, and am looking forward to, Lord willing, going back to China for Christmas again, then looking at doing journeyman! Just waiting on God's provision and guidance. Thanks for praying!


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