My Maker & My King

2010 is coming to a close. 2011 is about to begin. crazy, yes?

This morning I read Psalms 149 and 150. I focused in on 149:2, where it describes our God as Maker and King. And as I've continued thinking about these two attributes, I've realized that I learned a lot about my Maker in 2010. Let me explain.

I've learned a lot about myself this past year. About my wants and desires, even when so often I hide them from others (something I want to work on). About my personality--I'm an INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judgmental [against myself]). And who I am in Christ-all those things, but empowered by the indwelling of His Spirit within me! Yes, it was a journey this past year into the fact that I have a Maker, who made me just the way I am, for the exact purpose He has set forth for me to follow in. That's where 2011 comes in.

As I thought about my King, I was reminded of all the stories (pre-judges & kings) where God led His people into the promised land. And how He fought their battles for them. And He gave them victory, allowing them to take the land that He set apart for them. And as I look forward to this new year, and all the plans and things-to-do He has laid on my heart, I see my King before me, in a pillar of fire, leading me, preparing the way in the desert, not for my plans to be laid, but for Christ to do a mighty work within me and through me. And I. Am. Excited.

"The LORD will fulfill His purposes for me; Your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of Your hands." Psalm 138:8

Happy New Year, everyone!


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