And the [not so] grand total is...

So, I just downloaded all my bank statements from the past year. And I isolated all the times I spent money on eating out, including fast food and sit-down restaurants. This list does not include coffee purchases. Haven't come to a conclusion on if that should be included in this or not. But the [not so] grant total is...


Yeah. Almost 500 bucks. Wasted. Forever lost to the pit of my stomach. This hurts me deeply. Can you just imagine with me how many could have been fed for this entire year if I had given this away? Can you imagine how much good this money could've done, if I hadn't spent it upon myself and my hunger? My hunger. Ha. I know we all hate the Caf, but comon! WE HAVE FOOD!

And so I'm angered with myself. But no longer will this be stagnant in my own heart. I'm sharing it here to be kept accountable. Every time I would've stopped off to eat somewhere other than groceries or caf food, I'm putting that money back. I'm saving it. And this time next year, I can buy something for someone in true need. Or multiple. I think I've decided upon using Gospel for Asia for this. You can check out the gifts they offer here. I've already added up the gifts from the Gospel for Asia's website that would total this amount.I'm going to try and save up this amount, if not more. That comes to about $38.62 a month. I'm going to try and keep that up so I can have the same total. Interesting, that is the same about I would spend on sponsoring a Compassion child. Maybe that's what God would have me do next year. Who knows, but Him?

Micah 6:8:
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?


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