So Many Questions.

So, today at church, during the sermon, many questions were posed to me.

Before reading them, check out our text from today: Matthew 6:16-33. I know it is a passage read many, many times. But read it slowly. I'll put the verses beside the questions. Reread them with the questions.

vs. 16-18
...From where do I draw my worth? From people or from God? (see galatians 1:10)
...What do I glory in? Myself or the mystery (see col. 1:27b)
...Am I secure enough in Christ to truly believe that God will reward the secret things that no one else esteems? (vs 18 specifically)

vs. 19-21
...What are my "treasures"? Where are they? To what end do they exist? (Earthly or Eternal)

vs. 22-23
...Am I seeing clearly?
...Are my eyes looking through this life toward eternity?

vs. 24
...Where does my allegiance lie?

vs. 33
...Do I really believe that?

The question in bold is the question from which all the other questions stem. You take a few minutes to think about that...before continuing what I am going to hone in on.


Reread verse 21.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

-Your heart follows your treasure.
-If my heart follows my treasure on earth, my heart will be destroyed or stolen.
-If it follows the treasure I lay up in Heaven, my heart will be kept safe.
-Is what I follow eternal?


So, the last question is, How does one live eternally in the present day culture of instant gratification? By abiding in close fellowship with Christ (see John 15).


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