
Psalm 63:8..."My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me."

So, these past few days have been a lot of "clinging." To memories, to names, to people, to places. A lot of clinging to things that have slipped out of my grasp for now.

But now I must choose to cling to my God--the one who has promised to me just what He promised Jacob--Genesis 28:15--"Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

And He upholds me. With His word. In the L3 journal, we've been reading through Proverbs. The last 2 nights have both held verses that comfort me, amidst this clinging.

Proverbs 14:10
"The heart knows it's own bitterness,
and no strangers shares its joy."
Proverbs 15:13
"A glad heart makes the face cheerful..."

The first verse shows me that a lot of people aren't going to fully understand everything that I share with them, for the obvious reason that they weren't there, watching, as God worked within me and through me. And I need to accept that! And the second verse reminds me to be glad in that acceptance, especially realizing that many of my friends and family have been growing while I've been away. I mean, it's been 7 WEEKS! What?! It felt like yesterday I was boarding the plane. Wow. Time has flown. And God has worked all over the world! That is amazing. :) I only got to see a glimpse...and I want to share that! But I also want to hear from you in how God has worked in YOUR life! :) That is the cure to my heart's sickness of missing India and feeling that no one understands: realizing that God is bigger! That is how God will uphold me and make my heart glad again--filling it with the Joy of the Lord, from every corner of the world!


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