Changing A's to F's.
I love making A's. In fact, I'm quite fanatical about it. In fact, I cannot even stand it when I make a low A--for example, I was disappointed with a 95 on my last history test (which is amazing for this history class)...So I like A's a lot. But last night at Vision, several countries in the 10/40 window were shown on slides. And they made A's in their major religions. In fact, they made high A's. Check out the stats:
population - 1.3 Billion
Main Religion: Chinese
Non-Christians: 92.75 %
People Groups: 12
Christians: 7.25%
population - 84 million
Main Religion: Buddhist
Non-Christians: 91.84%
People Groups: 2
Christians: 8.16%
Population - 359,008
Main Religion: Muslim
Non-Christians: 99.9%
People Groups: 2
Christians: .1%
Population - 1 billion
Main Religion: Hindu
Non Christians: 97.60 %
People Groups: 4,635
Christians: 2.40%
Population: 2.2 million
Main Religion: Buddhist
Non Christians: 99.54%
People Groups: 11
Christians: 0.46%
Population: 147 million
Main Religion: Muslim
Non Christians: 99.28%
People Groups: 41
Christians: 72%
Population: 24 million
Main Religion: Muslim
Non-Christians: 90.70%
People Groups:3
Christians: 9.21%
Population: 6 million
Main Religion: Buddhist
Non Christians: 98.15%
People Groups: 138
Christians: 1.85%
Population: 2.6 Million
Main Religion: Shamanist
Non Christians: 99.29 %
People Groups : 12
Christians: 0.71%
population - 1.3 Billion
Main Religion: Chinese
Non-Christians: 92.75 %
People Groups: 12
Christians: 7.25%
population - 84 million
Main Religion: Buddhist
Non-Christians: 91.84%
People Groups: 2
Christians: 8.16%
Population - 359,008
Main Religion: Muslim
Non-Christians: 99.9%
People Groups: 2
Christians: .1%
Population - 1 billion
Main Religion: Hindu
Non Christians: 97.60 %
People Groups: 4,635
Christians: 2.40%
Population: 2.2 million
Main Religion: Buddhist
Non Christians: 99.54%
People Groups: 11
Christians: 0.46%
Population: 147 million
Main Religion: Muslim
Non Christians: 99.28%
People Groups: 41
Christians: 72%
Population: 24 million
Main Religion: Muslim
Non-Christians: 90.70%
People Groups:3
Christians: 9.21%
Population: 6 million
Main Religion: Buddhist
Non Christians: 98.15%
People Groups: 138
Christians: 1.85%
Population: 2.6 Million
Main Religion: Shamanist
Non Christians: 99.29 %
People Groups : 12
Christians: 0.71%
As I saw these slides, I just cried and cried. Because I am so crazy about A's--but these countries have "made the grade" in the wrong thing. They've made A's for Satan. And they do not even realize it.
My challenge, my call is to change those A's to big, fat F's. I'd like to receive an A doing that, more than any A I could make in class. Pray with me, send with me, go with me. Let's make the grade for the cause of Christ across our world!
"But how will they call upon Him whom they do not know? How are they to hear of Him if some are not sent? As it is written, How Beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!" Romans 10:14-15 (paraphrase)
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