Can't Sleep? Blog!

John 15:13… “Greater love has no one than this…that someone would lay down His life for His friends.”

So yeah I cannot sleep. But earlier tonight God brought this verse to my mind...when I was struggling with some emotions. And the ESV version puts it so fact, if you kinda switch the sentence structure around, you get: NO one has greater love than this. NO one has a greater love than the love God has for us, the love demonstrated on the cross when Christ died for us, even while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8)...

The Amplified version of the Bible puts it this way: "No one shows greater affection than this...that to lay down one's life for his friends."

So I'm dwelling on that thought: "No one has greater love than this..." "No one shows greater affection than this..."

No one's love can ever satisfy me the way His does. No one's love can EVER fill His place in my heart. No one's love can overshadow the cross. No one's love can fulfill this yearning in my heart to be held and to be wanted and desired...because my God, my Beloved, my Savior, my EVERYTHING, the Creator of the Universe, my Creator...loves me.

He is jealous for me

loves like a hurricane

i am a tree

bending beneath

the weight of His wind & mercy

when all of sudden

i am unaware

of these afflictions eclipsed by glory

and i realize just

how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me

oh, how He loves us

oh, how He loves so

how He loves us all

I pray you know His love today in your heart. It's more than you can ever truly grasp on this earth...more than anything you could ever imagine...more than sex, more than words, more than feelings...but death. Gruesome & painful, blood, a saving flood, poured out for you...and then walk beside you daily, holding your hand through it all.

oh how He loves us...

Psalm 143:8..."Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love...for to you I lift up my soul [Hebrew literally says: direct my desire to].

now let me Lord, love them as You so mercifully love us all


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