Debrief #3: Opening Message by Louie Giglio

The first's nights opening message was by Louie Giglio. It was the perfect opening, not because of eloquent words, but because it was just simply going verse by verse and examining what God's Word is saying.

He started by explaining the word that has been surrounding Passion: AWAKENING.

**Trade in something small (that is, ourselves), for something HUGE (that is, GOD).

We went through John, chapters 11 & 12. I'm just going through the high points that really spoke to me. I encourage you to read it in it's entirely and see how God would speak to you.

Chapter 11

vs. 11--"I go to awaken Him." Jesus. Not an act of a speaker or music. Jesus. Only He can awaken. That is how we should pray: for GOD to awaken us, everyday, to how we can glorify Him as we walk in this world, remaining not of this world.
*We are DEAD in our trespasses, we MUST be AWAKENED.*

vs. 16--Thomas GETS IT! "Let's all die," therefore also being awakened by Christ.
Later, in Chapter 12, verse 24, Jesus further expounds on this truth:
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."

vs. 39--Jesus is NOT offended by your humanity. MOVE THE STONE.
Along with this verse and the verse preceding it (38), I was very affected by the fact that the word-picture given is a lot like the tomb that Jesus himself was to be laid in only a few days away.

vs. 43--Christ is calling to us. Awaken. Come Out from the tomb you've allowed your sin & shame to keep you dead and rotting in, and COME OUT!

vs. 44--Be unbound so that you may run the race set before you: Hebrews 12:1
"...let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

Chapter 12

**Starts with a party! Lazarus celebrates his new life! And Mary worships--giving up something precious & expensive and pours it out for Christ's sake. This is the same thing we should do when Christ awakens us!

vs. 9-11--that celebration may cost us, but it is our AIM. Especially verse 11:
"...because on account of him (Lazarus) many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus."

vs. 19--When Louie read this verse, this thought went through my mind: I want Satan to say this to His demons:
"You see that you are gaining NOTHING. Look, the WORLD has gone after HIM."

vs. 28--the closing line of it all, the battle cry, the reason why:

Truly, this is what happened and Passion, and what I hope and pray at least a handful of students are carrying it back to their campuses and family and friends and are truly living a new life, being awakened by Christ, to live solely for His glory & not their own.

"Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your truth, we eagerly wait for you, for YOUR name & YOUR renown are the desires of our souls." (Isaiah 26:8)


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