“I have so much more for you than the work.” It came from the depths of my spirit last night, budding off of a conversation on identity and insecurity and how writing settles itself unkindly between those two things sometimes. But we instantly recognized it as from Him, me and my fellow writer-friend, Elizabeth. I said it again, recounting each syllable with its own breath as a new, deeper word. “I have so much more for you than the work.” “I need to write that down.” I said. “Yeah, you do.” She echoed in affirmation. “It’s a good word.” I started typing it into a sticky note on my desktop. I stared at it for a few seconds, my blinking eyes of disbelief at the God who speaks-- silently saying an awed “thank you.” And today I stare at Greek nouns and prepositions and the mingling of the two, and those same eyes fill up with tears. proskaira. aionia. “Not looking to the things seen, but the unseen things… for the things that are seen are proskaira, but ...